Application of ARIMA models on the Pacific Halibut CPUE Historical Series (1998-2016): Detection of legislative changes?
V. Sanz-Fernández, R. Cabrera-Castro, R. Muñoz-Lechuga, J.C Gutiérrez-Estrada and I.A. Czerwinski
FiSHMED 2018.007: 4p
Citation : Sanz-Fernández V, Cabrera-Castro R, Muñoz-Lechuga R, Gutiérrez-Estrada JC & Czerwinski IA (2018) Application of ARIMA models on the Pacific Halibut CPUE Historical Series (1998-2016): Detection of legislative changes?. Fishes in Mediter- ranean Environments 2018.007: 4p.
Article first published online : 11 August 2020
FiSHMED is an international scientific journal edited by
the Iberian Society of Ichthyology – SIBIC